Who We Are…

Tracey Jones OWNER

Tracey Jones

Life In A Nutshell…

You just never know. What started out as this annoying boy I debated against in 7th grade (he was in 8th...he thought his grade ruled the school!), somehow just a few years later morphed into this amazing guy I began dating in high school. Oh how I wished we had found that debate teacher to tell her, she’d never believe it. College, grad school, fraternity parents, and oh-so-much-in-between. It’s been 29 years of marriage and what a beautiful journey we’ve had. I’m a proud mama to three young adult sons and a teenage daughter that definitely ended our family with an exclamation point! My weakness is a pomegranate martini and a of bag Skittles (original flavor only, of course). Can’t forget our adorable, toothless wonder pup Tebow. And yes, sorry Georgia friends, diehard college football fan here with Orange and Blue running through her veins.

We All Have That Moment...

Life was swiftly moving along, when in March of 2011, I received that call. A brain tumor. Six surgeries over the next few years was a life altering experience, but not in the way I expected. The love and support from family, friends and the community was truly overwhelming. The impact was immeasurable, and given a clean bill of health, a new perspective on life emerged.

Unfortunately, what we did not truly realize during this time, was that our son was beginning a difficult struggle that would affect us all. His battle with SMI (severe mental illness) continues to this day.

Yet, what pulled me through those rough moments was our family and a life-long, glass-half-full mentality. By embracing positivity, hitting life head on with a smile, and realizing the impact others can have on someone, a new purpose in my life was born.

What Brings Me Here Today...

My passion for creating, crafting and working with others grew more pronounced. This love for arts and crafts had begun at an early age. Having artistic grandparents on both sides that shared their gifts with me certainly helped plant that seed. A childhood hobby and adult passion turned into a dream.

Life takes us all on a journey. What started as endless room mom creations for my four kiddos to teaching friends in a basement, eventually blossomed into my first business, a brick and mortar art studio & boutique.

Yet simply creating a piece that brought a smile to a new mother, happy tears to a set of grandparents or giggles to a child... that is what led to Rustic Trace. Time spent crafting with my daughter and my friends to create a unique handmade piece, and bringing awareness to brain tumors and mental health. A dream brought to reality.

For more information about brain tumors and mental health, touch the ribbons below…